Tomorrow we embark for doggie drop 8000 at the folks' compound in WI. My parents, for those of you who don't know, live in an amazing lake house in a town called Mercer. It is about a half a mile from jack shit and about an hour to the Michigan border. This is where the pup will be staying for four months. My parents have two amazing labs, Roscoe and Louie (lovingly nicknamed "ham tongue" and "big brain" by my best pal Michelle because they are both pushing 100lbs) who will take great care of their niece. Not feeling too sad which is good. Above I've posted a picture of Penny and her dog pal Tiki from last Halloween. Tiki is Tim and Erin's dog and she is dressed as our country's flight-a-natrix Amelia Earhart. Penny is dressed as our country's favorie orange dream, a pumpkin.
I've also, as promised, posted some pics from PRIDE! Emily and I are lezzin' it up ! I kept waiting for the 1984 Chicago Bears to be in the parade, but alas, they never made it. And how about Rob Lindley and those mullets ! They were clearly waiting for the '84 Bears too. YIKES. Photo Credit: Emily D and Al Scramuels.
My last piece is called: Hells Yeah Montrose Dog Beach. Now Brendan and I go there every day with our pooch. We are very lucky to be unemployed like galldarn bums so we can make this journey. It's a real great place. Tons of space, a nice shallow patch for the puppies who don't really like to swim (Penny), and it's completely fenced in. Then their are the characters. Our favorite one to date is who Brendan refers to as "Debbie Downer of Dog Beach". She's a lady in her late 30's with a real cute dog who we'll call Dooze Rod (not real name. but this lady loves her dog so much I'm afraid she's at home googling her dog's name with insane frequency. I'm also naming my next dog "Dooze Rod"). Right away we knew there was something a teence bit askance about her. She's very into telling Dooze Rod to "GO PLAY !! GO PLAY!!" in a very loud voice. I feel like Dooze Rod looks at her like "No shit hippy. Me DOG, no leash. Do I tell you to wear that tunic everyday"? We've had a few weirdo interactions with DD but the other day sealed the deal for moi. We're frolicking in the water and she's standing next to us spewing something about how wonderfully trained her dog is. All of a sudden we spot an amazing 3 month old pit bull puppy on the beach. This thing is reedonk. Big paws, flopping around with a very cute young couple and all three are clearly having a ball. Brendan and I are swooning. This dog is movie material. I say "Oh my. Look at that puppy !" To which DD responds "Yeah. Well. That dog's gonna get sick. It doesn't have its shots yet. Real dangerous for it to be out here". Good night DD. That's when I walked away. Can the world not enjoy the simple innocence of a new puppy ? Not in DD's world. All she says is disease and horror. A real cesspool of dumps. She then approached the young couple and talked their ear off about what they should be doing. For an awkwardly long amount of time. Yup, you're a regular dog whisperer DD. Keep it up and we'll see you in November !
It'll be a few days till I post ya'll. Mom and Dad have dial-up so I'd be faster sending a letter to all of you. On foot. Kisses till then !
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