It's happening friends ! I've started a blog. Man. SCIENCE ! What's next Beth ! MySpace ? NEVER. I ain't no rapist.
The main reason for this blog is to record my travelings. On July 7th my boyfriend Brendan and I will embark to Barcelona Spain where we will board the Norwegian Jewel. On July 7th I plan to get on a plane so hopped up on Percoset I won't remember the next 8 painful hours of flying. We will spend four months seeing France, Spain, Italy, The Greek Isles, Egypt, Croatia and Istanbul. And of course performing sketch and improvisational comedy with The Second City. Neither one of us has been to Europe so it is a time for major excitement. Our phone situation will be sketchy at best, and by sketchy I mean I am preparing to not make a phone call for four months. So, this is my link to the world ! My world wide web-a-phone ! (Quick note to Hollywood: Please stop using the term "World Wide Interweb" in movies. Not funny morons. World wide web-a-phone, MUCH funnier. )
Prior to our disembarking I will tell stories of our intense preparation (re: me sobbing once we drop my dog off at my folks house and shopping for shorts).
Entertainment promised from my blog:
* To praise things and people I love !
* European ADVENTURES !
* Sarcasm and biting satire !
* Watching me misspell "Norwegian" every post !
* Wistful stories about my dog !
* Poor grammar !
* Angry rants about every day life !
* Photos !
* More wistful stories about my dog !
* More ship puns !
* !
Thanks for going on this European ride with me. I promise I will try to make ship bloggers who have gone before me proud. GHess, Brendan, Katie and Steve.
can you pick me up a carton of marb lights, duty free? smokes are wicked cheap on cruises.
Welcome to the blog-a-rama.
YES!!! I was really kinda bummed that I wouldn't get to hear the nightly "which audience member pissed Beth off" rant that I was accostumed to in Denver. But now I have this blog and will get to hear the daily "which European ticked Beth off" update. It's already in my favorites.
By the way - I already thought Bredan let you have his B-Log. Oh yeah. That's right. You know what I'm talking about.
Can you get me a picture of an Inuit taking a dump?
Have a safe trip.
If you can bring home as much cheese and danish from the buffets as possible, so we can use it for the next BWC Holiday party, that would be great.
Have a great time peeps!! Maybe you can catch Morrissey in Europe...
do I have to pay for this? cause i dont want to pay for it.
I can't wait to hear why you were crying while shopping for shorts. Were they all hot-pants? Were they carried into the store by a nine-year-old sweatshop worker? Did the nine-year-old sweatshop worker stab you with a needle? That'd make me cry.
Hey Kids!..I hope you have a great time..me and your Uncle John will be checkin on ya both.Was nice to see you at the wedding and hope someday soon we can all get together again..take care and we will be watching for things you see in Europe...Love Ya Cheryl and John !!
Shit is still bad out there for us, remember:
...or Jamaican. They dont mind them over there.
Melewski...You're in Europe. Is there an Olive Garden there?
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